Frequently Asked Questions:
1. What is a Biblical Worldview?
A: Everyone sees the world and their circumstances through a perspective by which they
make decisions and live their life. A Biblical Worldview is a basis of making decisions and
living your life in accordance with how God has revealed Himself in the Bible and
prescribed for us to live in right communion with Him and our neighbor.
2. What is the mission of Truth Town Hall?
A: The mission of Truth Town Hall is to build a Biblical Worldview in this generation.
3. Why should the Bible have an influence in society?
A: The Bible is God’s self-disclosure to us. The Bible communicates God’s plan and
instructions for how we are to live rightly with our Creator and how He has created the
world. Living in right communion with God gives us access to live in peace with Him and
to have peace within the community that we live.
4. To what degree should we take the Bible literally?
A: We should interpret the Bible literally because it has a literal message to be understood
and obeyed. However, the Bible, like any book, is written with literary devise, historical
background, and cultural settings that are non-normative for today. Therefore, the
literal meaning of a passage, must be taken literally, but still understood within the
framework of God’s intended meaning through the author of that passage. The Bible is
always to be interpreted literally and obeyed wholly.
5. How many evening talks does Truth Town Hall do a year?
A: We host 4 Truth Town Hall’s a year. Organizing them, one per quarter.
6. What is the evening format for Truth Town Hall?
A: These event’s last approximate 90 minutes, with a 45 minute message addressing the
topic, and a 45 minute Q&A, fielding questions about the topic.
7. How are topics determined for Truth Town Hall?
A: Current events, cultural relevance, and needed spiritual growth, help shape the need to
address certain topics at specific times. Our staff spends time in detailed discussion and
prayer about what topics should be addressed. If there are topics that you believe
should be addressed, please contact us.