I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
God provides us salvation with faith through Jesus Christ. He works the character of Jesus Christ (Sanctification) through humble service at His local church.
Greeters, Usher, Connectors, and many other small tasks to help with running a Worship Service.
If you're interested in serving please connect with Pastor Nick. Nick@lakechelanbiblechurch.org
Greeters, Usher, Connectors, and many other small tasks to help with running a Worship Service.
If you're interested in serving please connect with Pastor Nick. Nick@lakechelanbiblechurch.org
The two enduring orders for a Christian is Water Baptism and Communion. If you have never been water baptized and you are a believer. Here at Lake Chelan Bible Church we perform Baptisms on the first Sunday of every Month. If you wish to be baptized please contact Pastor Nick Longmire.
Here at Lake Chelan Bible Church we partake in the Lord's Table/Communion on the First Sunday of every month. We do this in remembrance of Christ death on the cross for us, and is a time for us to examine ourselves before God. (1 Corinthians 11)
The two enduring orders for a Christian is Water Baptism and Communion. If you have never been water baptized and you are a believer. Here at Lake Chelan Bible Church we perform Baptisms on the first Sunday of every Month. If you wish to be baptized please contact Pastor Nick Longmire.
Here at Lake Chelan Bible Church we partake in the Lord's Table/Communion on the First Sunday of every month. We do this in remembrance of Christ death on the cross for us, and is a time for us to examine ourselves before God. (1 Corinthians 11)
Worship team is a time to use musical talents to bring the Saints into a posture of reverence to the Almighty God. (Psalm 100:1-5) If you wish to know more about the worship team here at Lake Chelan Bible Church please contact our Worship Directors Mac and Hailey Potts. Worship@lakechelanbiblechurch.org
Worship team is a time to use musical talents to bring the Saints into a posture of reverence to the Almighty God. (Psalm 100:1-5) If you wish to know more about the worship team here at Lake Chelan Bible Church please contact our Worship Directors Mac and Hailey Potts. Worship@lakechelanbiblechurch.org
Our church is not just here in Lake Chelan, WA. Many people listen to our Sunday Services and other Events regular. To meet the needs within the church and outside our four walls we seek to have quality Audio/Visual and Lighting. If you wish to know more about the AVL team here at Lake Chelan Bible Church please contact our AVL Department at Media@lakechelanbiblechurch.org.
Our church is not just here in Lake Chelan, WA. Many people listen to our Sunday Services and other Events regular. To meet the needs within the church and outside our four walls we seek to have quality Audio/Visual and Lighting. If you wish to know more about the AVL team here at Lake Chelan Bible Church please contact our AVL Department at Media@lakechelanbiblechurch.org.
All children (newborns through 5th grade) experience safe, age-appropriate environments where the Bible is taught in a creative, engaging, and relevant way. Our purpose is to have fun building kids' faith and friendships. All of our volunteers are trained and screened to make sure our Children ministry is safe and providing the best growing experience for all of our children. If you wish to know more about Children's Ministry team here at Lake Chelan Bible Church please contact our Children's Director Annick Rounds. annick@lakechelanbiblechurch.org
All children (newborns through 5th grade) experience safe, age-appropriate environments where the Bible is taught in a creative, engaging, and relevant way. Our purpose is to have fun building kids' faith and friendships. All of our volunteers are trained and screened to make sure our Children ministry is safe and providing the best growing experience for all of our children. If you wish to know more about Children's Ministry team here at Lake Chelan Bible Church please contact our Children's Director Annick Rounds. annick@lakechelanbiblechurch.org
We believe in the family and the fellowship of the saints here at Lake Chelan Bible Church. We desire that each person within our congregation participates in Family Worship and possibly a Small Group.
Family Worship: This is where the family spends time (brevity) together receiving instruction from the word of God, Prayer, and Song of Praise to God. (Joshua 24:15)
Small Groups: Here at Lake Chelan Bible Church our small groups gather in no more than 10 people in a group to discuss, grow, and encourage each other through understanding the text of scripture taught on Sunday's.
If you wish to know more about Small Groups or Family Worship here at Lake Chelan Bible Church please contact our Small Groups Director Anya Belcher. Anya@lakechelanbiblechurch.org
We believe in the family and the fellowship of the saints here at Lake Chelan Bible Church. We desire that each person within our congregation participates in Family Worship and possibly a Small Group.
Family Worship: This is where the family spends time (brevity) together receiving instruction from the word of God, Prayer, and Song of Praise to God. (Joshua 24:15)
Small Groups: Here at Lake Chelan Bible Church our small groups gather in no more than 10 people in a group to discuss, grow, and encourage each other through understanding the text of scripture taught on Sunday's.
If you wish to know more about Small Groups or Family Worship here at Lake Chelan Bible Church please contact our Small Groups Director Anya Belcher. Anya@lakechelanbiblechurch.org
Men's Ministry:
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